Monday 28 April 2014

Voice Talent

Name of character from the series - Rory The Lion

Personality of character - Rory the Lion is Happy and Bubbly but when in situations he will take things seriously. He is very willing and always happy to help. He is also Big and brave and king like.

Type of vocal performance required - Serious, friendly and calm as my character is a friendly lion who is always up for helping others out and trying new things, he is never sad and never looks down, he just has a high spirit.

Dream casting - Justin from CBeebies (Mr Tumble) - He would be my dream voice actor because he acts so well and takes it so seriously. He also is just a friendly person in general and can put on different voices when needed and can create a different atmosphere in the way he speaks.

Cheaper Alternative - Louis Davies - The reason why i would choose Louis is because, like Justin, he also has a generally friendly voice and can easy change the tone of his voice to change the atmosphere.

Target Audience

Age : 2yrs - 7yrs
Gender : Girls and Boys
Media consumption : Animals 
To expand this further to show a true understanding of your audience create the profile of a TYPICAL reader.

Name: Joshua
Age: 5
Average day: Joshua goes to primary school, he is in reception and love to play with his friends. He likes playing with toys, painting and playing sports games in the school hall and outside on the playground.

Hobbies and interests: likes to play with lego, likes animals, cars and football.

Spending power: His parents will buy him what she needs and will always treat him to things he likes but hes not the sort of person to want, want, want.

Typical media consumption per day: He will watch a 15 minutes of TV in the morning whilst eating his breakfast then after school he will watch TV for around an hour then when he goes to bed he has his tv on for 30 minutes.

Why the animation will appeal to them (look, style of animation, themes, main character, humour): My TV Series will appeal to Joshua because he loves Lions and other jungle animals. He also likes colours and the programme will include a wide variety of colours due to the fact of it being in a tropical jungle.

Monday 21 April 2014


My story is about a Lion called Rory, who was found unborn in an egg by a rescue team in a jungle in africa. He was then taken in his egg to the animal hospital where he was looked after. As he got older he became bigger and stronger and the vets at the animal hospital made sure he was being looked after and making sure he was being trained well so one day he could become the king of the jungle! When he reached a certain age, the animal hospital decided he was ready to head out there into the wild. Once he was released into the jungle, Rory explored until he found a cave that was warm and secure and which he felt positive he could live there. From then he would go out and introduce himself to the fellow animals in the jungle and try and make friends. he would always be willing to help people and would attempt to take on any challenge. He was big, brave and strong, not one thing scared him, apart from another lion becoming the king of the jungle. Every day he would have a new task to complete and with help from his fellow friends in the jungle, the tasks were always completed.

I would like my animation to run for 15 minutes per episode and I hope to produce 2 Episodes per day + replays. There will be 4 episodes per series and there will be a total of 3 series.

Series 1. Episode 1 - 4. Rory is found by a rescue team in a nature reserve in africa, he is taken away and looked after. He is then later on released into the jungle. He makes new friends and learns about jungle life.

Series 2. Episode 1 - 4. Rory is settling into jungle life and has made a whole new bunch of friends and is extremely popular. Some of the jungle mates don't like the new arrival and want to try to stop him from becoming number 1. They make up tales about Rory to try and get the other jungle mates to un friend him, Rory is shocked when he hears the news.

Series 3 Episode 1 - 4. Rory has cleared the air will all the other jungle mates and they all realise that the other jungle mates were telling lies. The three horrible jungle mates keep causing trouble. All of the animals run to Rory and ask him for help. Rory helps out the jungle mates and they couldn't be more welcome. The three horrible jungle mates are not impressed. 

Series 4 Episode 1 - 4. Rory continues to help out and the three horrible jungle mates continue to get annoyed. Rory is invited to jungle parties and is loved by all of the other animals. The three horrible jungle mates aim to ruin the party. They try and succeed. Rory doesn't stand for this and has had enough of their bad behavior. He contacts one of his friends that left the jungle a while ago to work on a transporter boat. Rory tells Dylan the dove to deliver a message for him. That night the three horrible jungle mates are confronted by Rory. Rory explains that there is a boat on the way and its full of gold! The three horrible jungle mates can't believe it and are so excited. They wait a while and a little longer and they see a boat approaching the shore. A parrot flies down off the boat and informs the three horrible jungle mates that there is loads of gold abroad the boat and that they can help themselves. The three horrible jungle mates charge the up the ladders and see it shinning and glowing in the distance, they run towards it and Peter the parrot shouts out "NOW" 3 nets are thrown down onto the horrible jungle mates. they cant believe it, they are raging, "what do you think you are doing"? peter replies "You my friends, are going to a Zoo" The boat leaves with three horrible jungle mates on it and Rory goes and delivers the news to the rest of the jungle mates! They are all so relieved and celebrate by having a party party.  


Apart from the homework bit.

The British of Board Film Classification (BBFC) are an independent company who have been classifying cinema films within the united kingdom since 1912. From 1984 they also classified DVDs and Videos. The BBFC don't just classify Films, DVDs and Videos but they classify video games under the videos recordings act.

Its legal basis was the Cinematography act 1909 which meant cinemas had to have licenses. the name changed in 1984, from British boards of Film Censors to British Board of Film Classification because it had been given the responsibility for classifying videos to hire or purchase to view in the home as well as ones shown in the cinema. In 1986 BBFC was given its first computer game to certify which was Dracula and was given the certificated of 15. Jack the Ripper was the first game to be certified an 18, this was in 1987.

U  - Universal which mean it is suitable for all ages.

PG - Parental Guidance this means the film is suitable for all ages but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children.  These scenes could contain minor language, sex/drugs reference or violence so parents should check before letting their children watch it.

12A- 12A, This is only used in cinema. It means this may be unsuitable for persons under the age of 12, however, people under 12 are allowed to view as long as they are accompanied by and adult over 12. These films often include soft drugs, discrimination, strong language, moderate violence, nudity, sexual references.

12- 12, This means the film is suitable for children aged 12 years and over and not suitable for people under 12.  

15- 15, Not suitable to anyone below the age of 15 years. It is illegal for anyone to sell or to rent a film or supply a cinema ticket for a 15 rated film to the someone who is under the age. These films normally contain drugs, bad language, strong violence and sex scenes.

1818, Films with this rating are suitable for only 18 year olds and over. It is illegal for anyone to sell or rent a film or supply a  cinema ticket to anyone under the age. These films have no limitation to foul language used, hard drugs are allowed, explicit sex reference with detail, scene ors strong real sex may be permitted. Strong, gory violence and sexual violence is permitted unless it excessively graphic.


 BBFC states that the PG classified films can contains some scary moments and Coraline as a film is eerie and spooky. They allow some elements of scariness (horror)  but it must meet the criteria. The film includes elements which lower the intensity of the frightening scenes as they contain childish songs and dancing. Coraline is in the fantasy film category which fits the child audience as of the fairy tales.

Animation Process Chart

Saturday 19 April 2014

Different Views

Front View - Rear View

Side View


Name - Rory The Lion
Age - 20
Type - Lion
Backstory - Comes from Africa, Lives in a jungle with his family and friends.
Personality - Friendly, Kind, Helpful, Furry, Brave, Strong, Willing, Committed.
Friends - Ellie the Elephant, Lola the Lion, Mike the Monkey, Rufus the Crocodile Sally the Snake, Gary the Gorila.  
Foes - Terra the Tiger, Percy the Pelican, Ronald the Rabbit  
Abilities and skills - Strong, Jump High, Fast
Hobbies - LionBall - LongJump 
Hopes and Dreams - follow his fathers paw prints and become king of the jungle
Catchphrase - Yes, roar, can i help, are you okay,