Monday 28 April 2014

Voice Talent

Name of character from the series - Rory The Lion

Personality of character - Rory the Lion is Happy and Bubbly but when in situations he will take things seriously. He is very willing and always happy to help. He is also Big and brave and king like.

Type of vocal performance required - Serious, friendly and calm as my character is a friendly lion who is always up for helping others out and trying new things, he is never sad and never looks down, he just has a high spirit.

Dream casting - Justin from CBeebies (Mr Tumble) - He would be my dream voice actor because he acts so well and takes it so seriously. He also is just a friendly person in general and can put on different voices when needed and can create a different atmosphere in the way he speaks.

Cheaper Alternative - Louis Davies - The reason why i would choose Louis is because, like Justin, he also has a generally friendly voice and can easy change the tone of his voice to change the atmosphere.

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